Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Workout Wednesday March 18th

My back was sore all day 'yesterday from those good morning on Monday, and I did not make it into the Gym... We chased kids around the park instead... So I wanted to get after it this morning.

Upper Body Workout - KILLER!
Phase 1: 1 min each
- Push Ups with toes up on 24" Block
- Dips - body weight
- from Ground... Lift, curl and Press overhead with 60lb dumbbell (only one use both hands-no legs)

REPEAT with 30 seconds each.

PHASE 2: 1 min each
- Curls (30lb dumbbell each hand)
- dumbbell fly (20 lb dumbbell each hand)
- Lateral Raise (15 lb dumbbell each hand - alternate Straight out and side)

REPEAT with 30 seconds each.

10 dips
10 Chin ups
10 dips
10 chin ups
Push up Pyramid - 1(pause) 2 (Pause) 3,4,5 - 5,4,3,2,1 - No Rest in between, keep the push up Position entire time.

Do sit up pyramid with Medicine Ball, all the way down and up for #1, then 1/2 way down for counts 2,3,4 and 5,

25 sit Ups with medicine ball throw
total Workout time - 30 min. (VERY INTENSE!)

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