Monday, March 30, 2009

Workout Monday March 30th

Today I worked on Legs... gotta fulfill 2 goals still - Get Rim, and run a "Under' 6:30 mile.

I'm going for another mile challenge after work, to see how close I am. - and I'm REALLY close to the rim... Can't stop now!

Phase #1:
20 Reps: Squat with 20 lb dumbbells in each hand and explode into jump and throw the weights high in the air with a shoulder Press and back down immediately into Squat and repeat.

20 Reps: 20 lb medicine ball squat - nice and Deep, don't come all the way up, just bounce - Fast reps

20 reps: 36" box jumps with 12 lb medicine Ball (Stand and jump, Very quick, hop up hop down and Repeat)

15 Reps of Each exercise

10 Reps of each exercise

Phase #2:
15 Reps Leg curls 100 lbs
15 Reps Leg Extensions 120 lbs
1:30 wall Sit

12 Reps leg curls
12 Reps leg extensions
1:15 wall Sit

9 reps of Each with a 1:00 wall sit. -


Total workout time: 23 Min.

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