Monday, March 23, 2009

Workout Monday March 23

I was NOT feeling up to a hard core workout this morning... until that is I actually started my workout. i thought i was going to be sluggish, slow, and no intensity, to which i say.. why bother, but i decided to give it a try... After a quick warm up I felt STRONG... Very Strong, In Fact, I did the workout below fast than I have ever done it before, with less rest, and more intensity.

I guess sometimes when we feel the worst, our bodies may be ready to go the distance... it's such a mind game. So get out and do it... Even if you don't feel up to it. your body will thank you!

The Couture Challenge:

I've posted this workout before, and it's GREAT so i try and do it once a month or so...

NO REST IN between exercises... 1 Min rest in between Sets
- HIGH INTENSITY - Grab a bar that you can Press over your head for at least 10 reps.
For this workout I used a 70 lb Straight bar:

Bent over rows x 10
Shoulder shrugs (In front) x 10
Military Press x 10 (behind the head)
Split Squat x 10 each leg
Squat and Press x 10
Straight legged dead lift x 10

REST 1 Min.


REST 1 Min.


Each Set took no more than 4 minutes to complete.

I then hit the exercise bike for 15 min. rode 4 Miles in just over 13 min and a 2 min cool Down.

Total Workout time 35 min.

Then to the Steam Sauna.

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