Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Motiviating words from a Hero

So I was needing a bit of motivation to get and keep up my routine, I like to think of myself as a self Motivator, and for the most part I am. But at times, I need that little extra Push to keep me going.

I've got a Picture on my Desk of one of my Hero's... Randy Couture...

During the Show, he signed the frame of our Picture... Instead of just signing his name he wrote... "The Best Never Rest... Now go be the Best"

Here's his Training video on weight Training that is very closely aligned with what i am trying to do now... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3224902600571518938
circuit training 6 exercises or so, and just going after it for 20-30 minutes without heavy weight.
Anyway... back to the motivation.
So be the best huh? The best what? The best ME.

I love the old Quote from Abraham Lincoln who said... "whatever you are... be a good one"

Just some thoughts of what helped me this week, get going again... I can be a better ME!

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