Monday, January 19, 2009


Sunday, I of course couldn't leave the Cabin in Pinetop unti lthe Cardinals Game was finished... And Let's just say the PacingScreaming, more Pacing and Jumping and yelling in Celebration nearly burned off the Oreos, Doritos, Homeade Nachos and IBC I consumed during the Game.
Duece and I at Training Camp... Funny thing, he told me to tell My Sister Hello! He's been in the Easter Pagent the past few years and Loves Jenee... Who Doesn't?

Post Game Martinelli's Celebration! - NO that is NOt a Matt Leinhart Jersey... It may look Like it from the Front, but the Back says... "TOYOTA" I was the 7th Contestant during the 1/2 time Contest to Win a Tundra and they let me keep the Shirt!

More Post Game... My Friends Dustin and Maddy Rogers were with us at the Cabin to share in the Game...

That being Said WAY TO GO NFC CHAMPS and Superbowl Bound Cardinals!
Work out hard, so we can Cheat on Suberbowl Sunday!

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