Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Workouts Monday 9-15 and Tuesday 9-16

Last night(Monday) I went back to the Gym with my wife and we did a quick bodyweight workout together

Squats (holding 10lb ball) - 1min
push ups - 1min
Sit ups - 1 min
Leg Curls on ball - 1 min
Lunges - 1 min
Reverse Pullup/Inverted row x 40
Step ups - 1 min each leg
10 Pull Ups
10 Chin Ups
30 dips

CARDIO for 12 min.. Intense Interval Training.

Total time: 30 min.

Workout for Tuesday:
- Quick warm up...
10 chin ups (all the way down, and all the way up past the bar)
CURLS - 60lb bar, 12 outside Grip, 12 inside grip
Deadlift: 225lbs x 8
315lbs x 4
365lbs x 2
POWER Clean: 185lbs x 6 (Repeat)

200m warm up
200m Fast pace
100m sprint x 4
50m sprint x 2
200M Cool Down

Swim time 20 min.

Total Workout time: 40 min.

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