Thursday, June 18, 2009

Workout Thursday JUNE 18th

Cardio Day... gotta Love 'em... Gotta do 'em!

I warmed up with some quick waist cleans (Powercleans starting from the waist and exploding the weight to your chest) - It's supposed to help with my Vertical... So I'll try it!

2 sets of 10 Reps @ 135lbs.

6.8mph x 5 min
7.6mph x 3 min
8.6mph x 5 min
6.2mph x 3 min
Rest x 1 min 3.5mph
6.7mph x 4 min
7.6mph x 2 min
Rest x 30 sec. 3.2mph

23.5min Avg. 8:50 per mile pace for a total of 2.5 miles.

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