Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Workout Tuesday May 19th

Tuesday Workout was great.. my younger bro tank, came into town and wanted to check out the New Gym, so we went in the morning and did a upper body blast as shown below:

15 reps of the following exercises in order no rest:
135lbs Bench Press Throw (Explode weight and catch right into next set:)
135lbs Shoulder shrug/ Lateral Raise (Explode weight and catch right into next set:)
135lbs Curl shrug
BODYWEIGHT below parallel push-ups
BODYWEIGHT PullUps/Chinups
30 lb Dumbbell Military press on Exercise ball
30 lb Dumbbell Curls
30 lb Chest Flys

12 reps of the exact same exercises above... no rest:

Then 9 15 reps of the exercises above no rest:

Finish the Arms off with a push Ups Pyramid -
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

I also did 2.5 miles on the Treadmill in the evening. - Trying to cut the last bit of weight before the lake trip... 9My last full Mile was done at a 7:27 pace. - movin for a big guy like me :).

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