Friday, November 7, 2008


BEGINNER 100: Do 1-2 Sets 2-3 x per week.
- 15 Prisoner Squats (hands behind head)

- 15 Pushups- 10 Jumps (Squat – Then Explode and bring the knees up)

- 5 Chin-ups/Pull-ups. (Or handstand pushups)

- 20 Forward Lunges (10 Each Leg)

- 15 Close-Grip Pushups
- 20 Sit Ups/Crunches

INTERMEDIATE 200: Do 1 Set 2-3 x per week
- 25 Prisoner Squats (Hand behind the head)

- 25 Pushups

- 20 Squat Jumps

- 20 Step-Ups (10 each leg)

- 10 Pull-ups or handstand pushups

- 30 Forward Lunges (15 each leg)

- 20 Close-Grip Pushups

- 25 Squats
- 25 Sit Ups/Crunches

ADVANCED 350: Do 1 Set 2 x per week
- 40 Prisoner Squats

- 40 Pushups

- 20 Jumps

- 25 Sit Ups/Crunches

- 40 Step-Ups (20 each leg)

- 10 Pull-ups Or hand Stand pushups

- 40 Forward Lunges (20 each leg)

- 40 Close-Grip Pushups

- 20 Inverted Rows (using bench Bar on Squat rack Lie underneath and Pull yourself up to the bar at a 45 degree angle)

- 40 Squats

- 10 Chin-ups Or hand Stand pushups
- 25 Sit Ups/Crunches

HARD CORE 500: Do one set… 30 min or less 2 x per week.
- 50 Prisoner Squats

- 50 Pushups

- 25 Jumps

- 25 Sit Ups/Crunches
- 20 Jackknifes (Lay on back or bench with hands behind head, bring legs and elbows together in a crunch motion)

- 50 Step-Ups (25 per leg)

- 15 Pull-ups Or hand Stand pushups

- 50 Forward Lunges (25 Per Leg)

- 50 Close-Grip Pushups

- 50 Inverted Rows

- 50 Squats

- 15 Pull-ups Or hand Stand pushups
- 50 Sit Ups/Crunches

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