Thursday, February 19, 2015

Training Week of February 16-22

Got off to a Strong Start thius Week so Far and have continued the Push!

Monday work out was Crossfit:
Strength 5-4-3-2-1 bench press. Increase by ten pounds every set. At the end of each set max push ups. every 4 min will do another set
Began with 235lbs  ended with 275lbs - I did approximately 20 pushups each time as well. - I felt strong 
WOD  10 Minutes AMRAP
• 150 Jump rope Double Unders
• 40 ABMAT Sit Ups
• 30 Kettle Bell Swings
• 20 box Jump overs
• remaining time C2B pull up I got 15 of them

Tuesday I felt Good and after a 12 minute Hill climb on the Exercise bike I decided to do my 1st Challenge of 1 minute Burpee Backflips.
 I lasted a whole 40 seconds before the Dizziness set in and I had to re-set.

I did my first 8 in 30 seconds, so now I am ready to train volume and work on the dizziness factor.

Here was that trial run

Wednesday's Workout got cut short by a family emergency, but later in the day I took the dog on a 2 mil Jog in just under 20 minutes.

Thursday's Crossfit Workout SUCKED in a good Way!

10 MIN of Jump Rope Double Unders in Unbrokern Intervals of 10 up to 50. if you only get 9 out of 10  you have to start over.   I made it to 50, but ended up doing over 250 total DU

Then Same thing with Pull Ups 10 MIN
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 - Made this No Problem
5 rounds (45 seconds per round)
-60 m sled push - 90 lbs
-max air squats for remaining seconds upon completion of sled push. (total 60 for the Rounds)

I'll do another Challenge later this week and focus on not getting Dizzy!

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