Thursday, February 19, 2015

Training Week of February 16-22

Got off to a Strong Start thius Week so Far and have continued the Push!

Monday work out was Crossfit:
Strength 5-4-3-2-1 bench press. Increase by ten pounds every set. At the end of each set max push ups. every 4 min will do another set
Began with 235lbs  ended with 275lbs - I did approximately 20 pushups each time as well. - I felt strong 
WOD  10 Minutes AMRAP
• 150 Jump rope Double Unders
• 40 ABMAT Sit Ups
• 30 Kettle Bell Swings
• 20 box Jump overs
• remaining time C2B pull up I got 15 of them

Tuesday I felt Good and after a 12 minute Hill climb on the Exercise bike I decided to do my 1st Challenge of 1 minute Burpee Backflips.
 I lasted a whole 40 seconds before the Dizziness set in and I had to re-set.

I did my first 8 in 30 seconds, so now I am ready to train volume and work on the dizziness factor.

Here was that trial run

Wednesday's Workout got cut short by a family emergency, but later in the day I took the dog on a 2 mil Jog in just under 20 minutes.

Thursday's Crossfit Workout SUCKED in a good Way!

10 MIN of Jump Rope Double Unders in Unbrokern Intervals of 10 up to 50. if you only get 9 out of 10  you have to start over.   I made it to 50, but ended up doing over 250 total DU

Then Same thing with Pull Ups 10 MIN
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 - Made this No Problem
5 rounds (45 seconds per round)
-60 m sled push - 90 lbs
-max air squats for remaining seconds upon completion of sled push. (total 60 for the Rounds)

I'll do another Challenge later this week and focus on not getting Dizzy!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Training Week Feb 9-15

I got in some Good Training sessions so far, but not nearly where I need to be to break this World Record.

I need to lose weight... plain and simple.

Monday - Tuesday  Crossfit workout: Wall Balls, Box Jumps, Burpees, Hang Cleans, Double Unders

- I felt Strong, but need to step up the endurance.

Wednesday was a tough one - Took the dog and youngest to the Track.  Mistake!  The workout was not tough, because there wasn't enough free time to really do much.  However I did get in some 200M sprints, Standing Jumps, Burpees, Handstands, and Lunges.   I re-learned a valuable lesson on Wednesday night...  Being 20# heavier than I need to be, makes me slower and everything is more difficult.   Example:  200M sprint time used to be 29-31 seconds.  I was in 180-190lb Category  Wednesday in the 205-210lb category My time was 35 seconds.  NOT COOL!

I realized the Easiest way for me to break this record is to Lose weight and train in 30sec -1 minute intervals at 100% of my ability.

Thursday am:  Hip and Knee were hurting from the sprints (another backlash of 20 extra lbs.)  So I got on the Exercise bike for some Hill intervals for 25 minutes.  Felt Good, Pushed it hard for 45 seconds at a time.  I also got in some explosive movements (Jumping squat presses with 30lb dumbbells) and Dips.

I plan on Testing my 1 Minute Burpee Backflip on Saturday... Feb 14th, 2015.

Cutting back on Calories and Carbs Beginning Today.  I am 100% confident that once the weight is off, the Record will come!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Next Challenge has Arrived!

Goal for 2015:

Beat This Guy and Own a Guinness World Record:
Most Burpee Back Flips in One Minute

Training for this started back when I was 9 years old and learned my first Standing back tuck.    I've been doing them ever since and methodically training to be able to always do back flips.

I have focused much of my training on Explosive movements such as Box Jumps, Jumping Rope, Sprints, Power Cleans, weighted Squat Jumps etc.  I have been doing these movements for many years to keep the muscles going.  abs and core is also a huge part of the training regimen.  people do not realize how much ab strength and core work it takes to throw standing back tucks.  It's crucial!  I don't have much of a vertical leap, but I have flexible hips, explosive power out of the gate, a strong core, and the knowledge of how to get around.

My Current Training is More Hyper focused on being able to go Solid for a minute without fatigue.  I don't want to just break the record... I want to destroy it!  I want to make it so the next time someone thinks of attempting it, they realize they simply cannot do it.

Crossfit, Sprints, Cardio and losing a few pounds are my main focus right now.

Workout for Feb 2nd 2015:
1 Mile Warm Up (9min)
55yds of each  of the following exercises.  (Football Field - Every 5 Yrds Up and down like a snake:
Handstand Walks
Deep Squats
Karaoke down and Back
Front Handsprings (Headsprings - Wreslting Style)
Cartwheels down and back
Frog Jumps
Jog it out for 400M

Finish with 10 Burpee Backflips

Workout for Feb 3rd 2015:
Crossfit:  Warm Ups 80 Double unders, pushups, Stretching, Hand Stand holds, 200M Row
Strict overhead Press: 4x5 @ 125lbs

Partner WOD:  8 Rounds:
5 Handstand push ups (I did 30 out of 40)
10 Deadlifts @ 225# (I did 20 out of 80)
15 Toes to Bar (I did 65 out of 120)
20 Wall Ball throws w/ 20#  (I did 75 out of 160)

Total time: 16:03

Later this week or Early next week I am going to test myself for one full minute and see where I am:

Stay Tuned!